
​​Cardiff Metropolitan University supports admissions processes that are fair and transparent and protect ​applicants’ interests. The purpose of the Admissions Policy is to explain the admissions process of the University.

Cardiff Metropolitan University seeks to accept all people who would benefit from higher education. Applications are considered on their individual merits, and will take into account a wide range of formal qualifications as well as any relevant work experience.

Cardiff Metropolitan University values diversity and encourages a wider student population by welcoming applications from all those interested in higher education. We welcome applications from all, irrespective of age, disability or special needs, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion and belief, sex or sexual orientation. This information is set out in our Equality and Diversity Policy.

We follow the Quality Assurance Agency (QAA - www.qaa.ac.uk/) code of practice on Recruitment and Admissions when undertaking admissions procedures and guidance from the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS) and the sector.

We are also committed to the five core principles of fair admissions as defined in the Schwartz Report 2014: An admissions system based on transparency, selection based on applicants’ achievements and potential, adopting assessment methods that are reliable and valid, minimising barriers to entry, and professional in every respect and underpinned by structures and processes.

All applications received by the appropriate UCAS and Direct Course Application deadlines of the year of entry are given equal consideration. Applications received beyond these dates are considered at the discretion of the University, dependant on availability of places.