A number of our undergraduate programmes involve an interview as part of the application process. If you are invited for interview, you will receive an email from us with your invitation.
To ensure you are fully prepared for your interview, please read the following important additional information you need to be aware of prior to attending.
Interviews may take place via MS Teams or in-person on campus. Please make sure you read the information below as well as the information in your interview email so that you are aware of the arrangements for your interview.
Cardiff School of Art & Design
You will be sent an email with details of your interview and details of how to prepare and submit your portfolio. You can also see further
interview tips here on how to prepare your portfolio.
Cardiff School of Education & Social Policy
BA (Hons) Youth and Community Work
Foundation Certificate in Youth and Community Work
Primary Education with QTS
Your interview will be conducted via MS Teams and you will initially receive an email containing the interview date and information on the interview process and how to prepare for the day. Please make sure you read the information as it is essential you are familiar with the information before attending your interview, as it will also contain Pre-Interview Literacy and Numeracy Tasks.
You will receive the MS Teams invitation closer to the interview date, allocating you a specific time.
Cardiff School of Sport & Health Sciences
You will be sent an email with further details regarding your interview. Please open the link relating to your course prior to interview for further important information.
Reasonable Adjustments for Interview
If you have any additional requirements, please inform us via email as soon as possible on
applications@cardiffmet.ac.uk outlining your particular needs, so that any reasonable adjustments can be put into place and appropriate arrangements can be made.
I can't attend my interview
If you are unable to attend the date or time allocated, please email us on applications@cardiffmet.ac.uk to request a new date. You will be notified of your new date via UCAS.
In the event that Cardiff Met has to re-arrange your interview at short notice, we will notify you directly via email.
If you have any queries prior to, or regarding your interview, please contact Admissions on 029 2041 6010 or email applications@cardiffmet.ac.uk.