Research>Global Academies>Materials Library

The Material Library

Cardiff Metropolitan University is home to FAB-Cre8—a multidisciplinary research and innovation group based in Cardiff School of Art & Design. FAB-Cre8 is driven by an interest in emerging technologies and brings academics together from across the university who engage in a range of research projects working with digital fabrication processes, physical computing, the ‘Internet of Things’ (IOT) and material investigation applied to a broad range of art and design contexts.

In June 2017 the FAB-Cre8 group launched ‘The Materials Library’ project— a radio-frequency identification (RFID) interactive resource that houses hundreds of material samples. The Materials Library is a permanent fixture for students and researchers at Cardiff Metropolitan University and will continue to expand. This library enables users to access digital content related to materials held within a series of test tubes. The user places the test tube in the reader which activates a film of the material being used. These process-based films reveal the potential of materials to makers, designers and students in an easily accessible format.

You can read more about the FAB-Cre8 group and The Materials Library here.