Dr Andrew Baker

Department: Department of Computer Science

Office/Location: Cardiff School of Technologies, Llandaff Campus


Email: abaker@cardiffmet.ac.uk

Staff Overview

Andrew is a Senior Lecturer in Computer Games Development at Cardiff Metropolitan University. Prior to this he was a Senior Lecturer in Games Development at University of Wales, Trinity St David and a Senior Lecturer in Games Development at Gloucester University. 

Andrew has industry experience working as a software engineer within the computer games industry. He is credited on several published triple AAA game titles. He has also worked as a software engineer within the film and visual effects industries. 

He obtained a PhD in Computer Science from University of Wales, Trinity St David. He has several published works and one patent filed.

His research and teaching expertise and interests include real-time computer graphics programming, virtual reality applications development and visual effect programming.


  • Real-time Graphics Programming
  • C/C++ Programming
  • Games Programming / Games Design
  • Computer Animation / Visual Effects programming
  • GLSL Shader Development 
  • GPGPU - High performance computing
  • Virtual and Augmented Reality applications development
  • Mobile Games Development


My primary research interests are:

  • Real-time Computer Graphics
  • Visual effects programming
  • Navigating 3D virtual environments
  • Enhanced Depth perception in VR

Key Publications

Phelps C, Minou M, Baker A, Hughes C, French H, et al “Necessary but not sufficient? Engaging young people in the development of an avatar-based online intervention designed to provide psychosocial support to young people affected by their own or a family member's cancer diagnosis”, Health Expectations, Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd Health Expectations, Vol 20, Issue 3 June 2017 pp 459-470

Coleman S, Crabtree R, Phelps C, Hughes C, Baker A, French H, Minouo M, Hutchings P,. “#LetTheKeyboardDoTheTalking: Involving young people in the development and evaluation of an online psychosocial counselling intervention for young people affected by cancer” BPS Welsh Branch Health of the Nation Sept 2014

Baker, A & Donne, K., “Modelling Locally Disorderly Images using Fixation-Suppression”. UKSim 4th European Modelling Symposium on Modelling and Simulation. 2010. Pisa, Italy: IEEE Computer Society 

Baker, A., Hole S, Rendering Locally Disorderly Images, in 6th International Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems. 2010: Athens, Greece.

Baker, Jupe, Parish, Hoskins, Julien (2007). Vision-Space Imaging. H.11 Poster Siggraph 2007 San Diego Conference Centre

Other Projects and activities

External Links