About>Cardiff Met Sport>Junior & Community Sport

Junior & Community Sport

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​During term time, over 2800 children (aged 5 years+) per week attend a variety of sports programmes organised by Cardiff Met Sport. We also run sport courses during the school holidays and during both Easter and summer holidays we operate Sports Camps, a multi activity camp for children aged 4-14 years.

Making full use of our extensive facilities, we encourage children to remain active, develop their skills and interact with friends, giving them a healthy and active approach to life.

We also run sport-specific summer camps that can be booked through the Cardiff Met Sport App.

Book online home page Download the Cardiff Met Sport App home page


How to Book

  1. Download the Cardiff Met Sport App.

  2. Choose the 'Info & Bookings' button.

  3. Select the Sport you would like to book.

  4. Tap the image to book your child's place.

  5. Create a user profile in your child's name (Those who have booked courses or camps previously should already have a user ID).

If you have any questions, please contact our team on 029 2041 6777.