
The Concordat to Support the Career Development of Researchers (The Researcher Development Concordat)

​​​What is the Concordat?

The Concordat is a stakeholder's agreement to support researchers' career development and the research environment within which those careers are built.  Further information on the Concordat can be found here.   The four key stakeholder groups (Funders, Institutions, Researchers and Managers of Researchers) sign up to a range of commitments under three clear principles: Environment and Culture, Employment and Professional and Career Development, with the aim of increasing the attractiveness and sustainability of researchers' careers.  Launched in 2008 the original Concordat was significantly revamped in 2019 to include more ambitious measures and greater accountability for stakeholders. 

Cardiff Met became signatory in 2021, with the V-C signing to that effect on the 3rd of February. A copy of that letter can be found here.  In signing the Concordat, the University has signalled both its continued commitment to supporting our research staff's careers, but also to working in partnership with other institutions and funders to develop wider systematic changes. 

What are we doing to meet our Concordat commitments? 

The implementation of the Concordat to Support the Career Development of the Researchers is managed by Research & Innovation Services, with day to day responsibility for implementation falling on the University’s Staff Development Officer who sits on the Concordat Implementation Group (CIG). The CIG is chaired by the University Director of Research and is comprised of researchers and research managers from across the University. It reports progress against the Concordat Action Plan to the University's Research & Innovation Committee on an annual basis.  

Cardiff Met continues to meet all its signatory responsibilities. Our continued commitment to support researchers at all stages of their careers is evidenced in our Annual Reports to the University’s Board of Governors (BoG). These reports are signed by the BoG Chair before submission to Universities UK and can be found here:

Annual Report 2021

Annual Report 2022

Annual Report ​2023

Would you like to get involved in our delivery of the Researcher Development Concordat?

If you are a member of staff with an interest in the Concordat and would like to get involved in supporting its delivery, please do get in touch with Orla Govers ogovers@cardiffmet.ac.uk

Read The Concordat to support the Career Development of Researchers in full here