
In order to start studying at Cardiff Met all applicants must register with the University by using the online enrolment system. All students are required to register either prior to or at the commencement of their programme of study for each academic year.

Information about enrolling and starting at the University is sent to unconditional firm applicants from July onwards.

In order for applicants to be eligible for enrolment, conditions that have been placed on offers of a place to study at Cardiff Metropolitan will need to be met. These will include both academic and non-academic conditions for example criminal record checks, occupational health checks, right to study in the United Kingdom (if being taught in the United Kingdom). Original proof of qualifications will need to be provided and information to comply with statutory obligations. Agreement to abide with universities policies, regulations and procedures through the signing of the terms and conditions of enrolment is also required.

Terms and Conditions of your Enrolment.pdf (cardiffmet.ac.uk)

All queries in relation to enrolment should be directed to the Enrolment unit within Academic Registry by e-mailing registryenquiries@cardiffmet.ac.uk.