Student Charter 2024/25


What is the Student Charter?

The Student Charter is a high level partnership document which is applicable to all within Cardiff Metropolitan University’s diverse student body.

It is developed jointly by the University, the Students’ Union and students to deliver a student experience which is consistent with the vision, values and priorities within Strategy 2030.

The below over-arching expectations, which speak to Cardiff Met’s community values, apply throughout all of the themes and commitments laid out within the Student Charter.

All within the Cardiff Met community should:

  • Create a safe, secure, and welcoming environment for all, regardless of background and promote a culturally cohesive community on campus in accordance with our University of Sanctuary status.
  • Actively work to champion equity, diversity and inclusion in everything we do, as well as promoting a mutual understanding between groups who share protected characteristics and those who do not.
  • Promote the Welsh Language and encourage its use.
  • Engage in respectful and collaborative partnerships which place the Student Voice at the centre of decision-making relating to all areas of the student lifecycle.
  • Encourage everyone to seek appropriate support for their mental health and wellbeing.
  • Be courteous, respectful, and considered in communications with others.
  • Exercise and promote freedom of expression (within the limits of the law) whilst acknowledging the same freedom for others.
  • Respect the rights of individuals and treat all individuals with dignity.
  • Maintain a level of professionalism and conduct at all times while in the wider community, as representatives of Cardiff Met.

Learning Community

The University commits to:

  • Ensure high standards of programme delivery using innovative approaches to teaching and learning which support the achievement of students’ personal ambition and recognised graduate outcomes.
  • Provide a breadth of appropriate and accessible learning resources and learning spaces.
  • Provide clear programme and module information including a schedule of assessments.
  • Ensure access to a range of on-campus and online support services and staff to assist students with their learning needs.
  • Provide feedback on assessments and learning activities within 20 working days.
  • Make reasonable adjustments to learning and assessment processes for individual students where appropriate, in accordance with the Equality Act 2010.
  • Work closely with the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol and provide clear information on opportunities for students to study and be assessed through the medium of Welsh.
  • Ensure academic regulations and procedures set out in the Academic Handbook are transparent and applied fairly to all students.
  • Provide continuity of learning and ensure students are still able to engage with assessments in the event of externally caused disruption to studies.
  • Continually review its provision in order to enhance quality and standards.

The Students’ Union commits to:

  • Promote methods to engage students.
  • Work with the University to develop open, constructive, and continuous dialogue between students and staff, and amongst students.
  • Hold democratic elections to appoint student leaders that champion student rights and ensure a strong and effective partnership with the University.

Students commit to:

  • Be actively engaged with their chosen programme.
  • Submit assessed work by the required deadline.
  • Consider and reflect upon their own research and feedback received from academic staff.
  • Make full use of the learning, support and resources provided.
  • Take ownership of independent study outside of timetabled learning activity.
  • Adhere to the University’s academic regulations and procedures, including those relating to the submission of assessments and avoidance of academic misconduct.

Student Voice and Partnerships

The University commits to:

  • Provide opportunities for the student voice to be raised, listened to, and responded to.
  • Support effective student participation in quality enhancement processes such as programme development, review, and evaluation.
  • Ensure students know where to go if the University does not meet required standards.
  • Manage clear Complaints and Academic Appeals procedures, which adhere to the requirements of the Office of the Independent Adjudicator (OIA).

The Students’ Union commits to:

  • Work alongside the University to define and promote a range of methods to engage, evaluate and enhance opportunities for the student voice to be raised, heard and responded to.
  • Facilitate a representative system, embedded at all levels of the University to ensure student issues and ideas, including those from Welsh medium students, are raised promptly and feedback loops are closed.
  • Provide support and representation to individuals and groups of students who are subject to University procedures when requested.

Students commit to:

  • Participate in processes which are designed to obtain student and graduate feedback.

Support and Wellbeing

The University commits to:

  • Meet its statutory responsibilities regarding equality and safeguarding to provide a safe and secure learning environment, including suicide safer approaches.
  • Ensure there are clear and responsive routes for students to seek support for their wellbeing and mental health which incorporate learning from the StepChange: Mentally Healthy Universities self-assessment process.
  • Ensure University policies reflect ongoing work to tackle violence against women, domestic abuse, and sexual violence.
  • Deliver a range of dedicated services that enhance the student experience, ensuring they are accessible for those students who need additional support.
  • Provide information on where students can access financial support.
  • Provide access to Welsh Language support services including counselling, personal academic tutors and applications for financial support.
  • Provide specialist support services for international students to aid a smooth transition to UK Higher Education, along with practical advice and support to adapt to British culture, processes and procedures.

The Students’ Union commits to:

  • Hold relevant and useful campaigns and events throughout the student lifecycle.
  • Produce an annual Diversity & Inclusion commitment statement which will outline areas of focus to promote inclusion for the upcoming academic year.
  • Provide pastoral support to students, including signposting to professional services.

Students commit to:

  • Actively engage with their allocated Personal Academic Tutor and attend arranged sessions.
  • Behave in accordance with all University policies and procedures and follow the principles set out in the Student Code of Conduct.
  • Be responsible in disclosing and reporting allegations of sexual misconduct and abuse.
  • Acknowledge when circumstances impact upon their health and wellbeing and be responsible for proactively seeking timely support from the appropriate support service.


The University commits to:

  • Support students’ learning experience through the provision of high quality and accessible digital resources and information.
  • Ensure students are kept up to date with news and information via digital platforms.
  • Communicate with students in the language of their choice (English, Welsh, or bilingual).
  • Acknowledge correspondence from students in a timely manner.
  • Adhere to obligations outlined by the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA), and to protect the student interest.
  • Provide details of the costs of study.
  • Keep students’ personal information confidential in accordance with the University’s Data Protection Policy and external legislation.
  • Implement the requirements of the Welsh Language (Wales) Measure 2011 and ensure compliance with the Welsh Language Standards.

The Students’ Union commits to:

  • Provide a range of media to ensure effective, timely and relevant communications from the Students’ Union.
  • Keep student information confidential in accordance with data protection laws.
  • Ensure the student voice is listened to and responded to in a timely manner.

Students commit to:

  • Communicate respectfully with University staff and students at all times, including via social media.
  • Check all emails and communications from the University regularly and respond or act as necessary.
  • Regularly check Moodle and MetCentral for updates and announcements and complete any tasks in a timely manner.
  • Keep contact details up to date.
  • Familiarise themselves with information made available on course fees and associated costs of study.
  • Pay tuition fees and other costs within the applicable timeframe.
  • Inform the University if their preferred language for communication on a matter is English or Welsh.

Personal and Professional Development

The University commits to:

  • Provide an innovative educational environment that supports students to achieve their personal and professional ambition and recognised graduate outcomes by identifying and linking their learning from both curricular and co-curricular activities.
  • Provide access to careers advice, skills development (via the Shape Your Future initiative) and opportunities to enhance employability through referrals and signposting to the Careers Service.
  • Provide opportunities and support to study, work, or volunteer overseas to enhance soft skills, cross cultural communication, and employability prospects.
  • Give students studying on Cardiff campuses the opportunity to have verified extra-curricular activity recognised through the Higher Education Achievement Report (HEAR).

The Students’ Union commits to:

  • Provide a range of SU Sport clubs, SU Societies, social events, and personal development opportunities.
  • Provide accurate records of students engaging in SU activity to be recorded on the HEAR for students studying in Cardiff.
  • Deliver the Cardiff Met Award to recognise personal and professional development outside of academic studies.

Students commit to:

  • Engage with the social and extra-curricular opportunities.
  • Engage in HEAR approved activities to broaden their skillset, furthering their personal and professional development.
  • Familiarise themselves with any relevant professional codes and follow any set standards.


This Student Charter applies to all students enrolled on a programme of study during academic year 2024/25.

Student Protection Statement

The University will service its contractual obligations to students and comply with its commitments under consumer law as outlined by the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA). In doing so, universities will work to protect the student interest when responding to circumstances such as significant changes to how a course is delivered or course closure. The University has in place procedures to respond to these circumstances which will mitigate the potential impact on students, and which recognise the different needs of its diverse student body.

For further information regarding this Student Charter please contact: