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Professor Philip E James

Professor of Cardiovascular Metabolism
Cardiff School of Sport & Health Sciences


Having originally undertaken an extensive period of post-doctoral research and then as an Assistant Professor at Dartmouth Medical School, USA, returned to take a tenured position in the Dept of Cardiology at Cardiff University Medical School. Over the ensuing 24 years, developed an extensive track record and research program in cardiovascular research at the Wales Heart Research Institute (WHRI) and directed the Biomedical EPR Facility and Nitric Oxide Measurement Suite. Successfully mentored 18 PhD and 5 MD students as primary supervisor to date. The James research team currently comprises 4 PhD students, one post-doctoral research associate and one Research Fellow. Total R&I income to date consists of £4.45 million as PI or Co-PI, and a further £1.8 million as Collaborator, with sustained delivery of successful research and innovation projects funded by research councils, Welsh Government, charities, and industry. The long-standing interest is in the interplay between oxygen and blood vessel function. More recently, a research program and state-of-the-art facilities were developed to assess the role of cell derived microparticles in the human circulation. This includes the award of a recent project grant (PREDICT-EV – Stroke Association) in collaboration with Cwm Taf Morgannwg UHB which is a clinical research study which will assess biomarkers to predict the risk of stroke in TIA patients.

At school level chairs the School Research Ethics Committee and a research leader of the Cardiovascular Health and Aging Research Theme at CSSHS. Executive roles outside of the university include as President of the International Nitric Oxide Society and Chair of the biennial meeting in Oxford (2018), Director on the Welsh Wound Innovation Centre Board, and formal advisory roles for several high-profile biotechnology companies, Pharma, NIH advisory boards and PhD/Fellowship committees. Leadership roles include on the Academic Partnership Committee of Aneurin Bevan UHB, Velindre UHB, and Cwm Taf UHB. Also is Adjunct Professor at Dartmouth Medical School and Adelaide Medical School.

One of the founders of Stroke Hub Wales (2017), an integrated front door to all stroke-related research, innovation and education across Wales, is academic lead on the Advisory Board coordinating a network of clinical research in stroke across Wales, partnering UHBs and Universities, and strategic planning of applications to Stroke Association, HCRW and BHF. Current focus is on the expansion of the MRES (Stroke) program and development of advanced modules for continuous professional development of healthcare professionals.​

Research Publications

Myxobacteria from soil can substantially reduce the bacterial load in a wound infection model

Arakal, B. S., Rowlands, R. S., Maddocks, S. E., Whitworth, D. E., James, P. E. & Livingstone, P. G., 6 Jan 2025, In: Journal of Applied Microbiology. 136, 1, lxae315.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

Enhanced oxygen availability and preserved aggregative function in platelet concentrates stored at reduced platelet concentration

Nash, J., Pym, D., Davies, A., Saunders, C., George, C., Williams, J. O., Grinberg, O. Y. & James, P. E., 14 Dec 2024, In: Transfusion.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

Small volume platelet concentrates for neonatal use are more susceptible to shear-induced storage lesion

Pym, D., Davies, A. J., Williams, J. O., Saunders, C., George, C. E. & James, P. E., 22 Aug 2024, In: Platelets. 35, 1, p. 2389967 2389967.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

MyxoPortal: a database of myxobacterial genomic features

Swetha, R. G., Arakal, B. S., Rajendran, S., Sekar, K., Whitworth, D. E., Ramaiah, S., James, P. E., Livingstone, P. G. & Anbarasu, A., 2 Jul 2024, In: Database. 2024, baae056.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

Corallococcus senghenyddensis sp. nov., a myxobacterium with potent antimicrobial activity

Arakal, B. S., Rowlands, R. S., McCarthy, M., Whitworth, D. E., Maddocks, S. E., James, P. E. & Livingstone, P. G., 22 Apr 2024, In: Journal of Applied Microbiology. 135, 5, lxae102.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

Quantitative increases of extracellular vesicles in prolonged cold storage of platelets increases the potential to enhance fibrin clot formation

Nash, J., Davies, A., Saunders, C. V., George, C. E., Williams, J. O. & James, P. E., 8 Aug 2023, In: Transfusion Medicine. 33, 6, p. 467-477 11 p.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

In Silico and In Vitro Analyses Reveal Promising Antimicrobial Peptides from Myxobacteria

Arakal, B. S., Whitworth, D. E., James, P. E., Rowlands, R., Madhusoodanan, N. P. T., Baijoo, M. R. & Livingstone, P. G., 31 Dec 2022, In: Probiotics and Antimicrobial Proteins. 15, 1, p. 202-214 13 p.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

Early but reversible haemostatic changes in a-symptomatic females expressing COVID-19 antibodies

Williams, J. O., Nash, J., Whelan, C., Raven, B. M., Davies, A. J., Evans, J., Watkeys, L., Morris, K. & James, P. E., 25 Jul 2022, In: Thrombosis Research. 217, p. 76-85 10 p.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

Extracellular Vesicles in Atherosclerosis Research

Williams, J. O., Whelan, C., Nash, J. & James, P. E., 2 Mar 2022, Atherosclerosis. Springer, Vol. 2419. p. 349-359 11 p. (Methods in Molecular Biology; vol. 2419).

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review

The procoagulant effects of extracellular vesicles derived from hypoxic endothelial cells can be selectively inhibited by inorganic nitrite

Whelan, C., Burnley-Hall, N., Morris, K., Rees, D. A. & James, P. E., 23 Feb 2022, In: Nitric Oxide - Biology and Chemistry. 122-123, p. 6-18 13 p.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

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