International>Global Opportunities>Bethany Boland - Gothenburg summer school

Bethany Boland - BSc Human Nutrition and Dietetics

​Gothenburg (Virtual) Summer School


The Managing Migration course at Gothenburg University is sustainability-related and looked at one of the central challenges facing the public sector of successful management of migration and integration.

The course taught about cases of migration within and outside the EU, explained key theoretical approaches used to analyse and form policies at different governance levels, allowed us to assess the effectiveness of current initiatives for managing migration and integration, explained to roles of broader forces (such as media discourse) in shaping dynamics of migration and integration, provided identification of advantages and shortcomings of different methodological approaches when analysing policymaking and implementation. It provided an opportunity for the international cohort to identify cross-national challenges concerning migration and integration and gave us the chance to present our own ideas about how crucial areas of migration and integration policy could be studied using relevant theories and methods.  

I chose to take part in the course because migration, integration and policymaking are topics I find fascinating and complex, which I really wanted to gain a better understanding of. I also thought it would be extremely interesting to see the perspectives and experiences of people from all over the world – the class/group had people from around the globe!  

Taking part in the summer school virtually was great, it was convenient and well organised/structured. The content was available to come back to later if we wanted to re-watch lectures etc.