I am a senior researcher and educator in the fields of employment relations, people management and mental health at work. My background is in international employment relations, working for Global Union Federations in countries in the global south and transition economies on educational and organising programmes. I was Head of Education and Programmes for a Global Union Federation (Industrial), and have written extensively about international employment relations, international solidarity and trade union education. My co-authored book Global Unions Global Business (Libri, 2011) looks at the experiences of trade unions internationally and their relationships with multinational corporations.
I returned to the UK in 2007 to work in academia and train in adult psychotherapy at the Tavistock and Portman Clinic. I have worked as a psychotherapist in the UK's NHS as part of my training and worked with health teams and trade unions to build wellbeing at work. As part of this body of work I developed an online resource for health workers in partnership with the Tavistock & Portman NHS Foundation Trust which is free to access (www.survivingworkinhealth.org). My book Surviving Work in Health: Helpful stuff for people on the frontline (Gower, 2017) was nominated for the CMI's practitioner book of the year.
I am actively engaged in current debates about mental health and the future of health services. My public engagement & writing can be accessed at
www.survivingwork.org and
My current research focusses on the sociology of work and the link between working conditions and mental health. I am currently writing about the 'Uberisation' and digitalization of mental health services. Media reports on UberTherapy include the Guardian (www.theguardian.com/society/2021/aug/08/is-robot-therapy-the-future) and Independent (www.independent.co.uk/news/health/nhs-therapists-patients-manipulate-data-b1908629.html).
I am an Editor in Chief of the British Sociological Association's AJG4 Work, Employment & Society (WES) and a BSA Trustee and Publications Director.
I am recently appointed onto the HSE's Science, Engineering, Evidence & Assurance Committee which reviews research and strategy including Covid19 and the post-Grenfell building environment.
I am a Senior Fellow of the HEA, Academic Member of the CIPD and member of the British Sociological Association and Association for Psychosocial Studies and a member of the Partnership for Counselling and Psychotherapy.