Senior Lecturer in Sport Biomechanics
Telephone number: 029 2041 7245
Email address: ibezodis@cardiffmet.ac.uk
Twitter: @ianbez
Ian is a Senior Lecturer in Sport Biomechanics in the Cardiff School of Sport and the Biomechanics Laboratory Director. He joined the School in 2006 as a postdoctoral research fellow, and became a lecturer in 2009. In the time since, Ian has made a significant contribution to the School's research profile, as well as the Sport and Exercise Science degree programme. He was included in the School's highly rated 2014 REF submission and played a key part in developing the new BSc in Sport and Exercise Science pathway in his previous role as discipline director for biomechanics.
Research / Publications
My research focuses on mechanical analysis of sporting gait, particularly sprint running. I am specifically interested in evaluating and characterising elite sprinting through the use of musculo-skeletal modelling of the lower extremity, and investigations of the step length-step frequency relationship. I also have an interest in applying these findings to other sports in which sprinting plays an important role in performance.
Churchill, S.M., Trewartha, G., Bezodis, I.N. and Salo, A.I.T. (in press). Force production during maximal effort bend sprinting: Theory vs reality. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports, doi: 10.1111/sms.12559.
Sleat, W., O’Donoghue, P., Hughes, M. and Bezodis, I.N. (2016). The influence of natural grass surface hardness on path changes, locomotive movements and game events in soccer: a case study. International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport, 16, 216-233.
- Stohr, E.J., Gonzalez-Alonso, J.,
Bezodis, I.N. and Shave, R.E. (2014). Left ventricular energetics: New insight into the plasticity of regional contributions at rest and during exercise. American Journal of Physiology - Heart and Circulatory Physiology, 15;306(2):H225-32.
- Harle, R., Taherian, S., Pias, M., Coulouris, G., Hopper, A., Cameron, J., Lasenby, J., Kuntze, G.,
Bezodis, I.N., Irwin, G. and Kerwin, D.G. (2012). Towards real-time profiling of sprints using wearable pressure sensors. Computer Communications, 35, 6, 650-660.
- Charalambous, L., Irwin, G.,
Bezodis, I. N. and Kerwin, D. (2012). Lower limb joint kinetics and ankle joint stiffness in the sprint start push-off. Journal of Sports Sciences, 30, 1, 1-9.
- Salo, A.I.T.,
Bezodis, I.N., Batterham. A.M. and Kerwin D.G. (2011). Elite Sprinting: Are Athletes Individually Step Frequency or Step Length Reliant? Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 43, 6, 1055-1062.
Bezodis, I.N., Irwin G.I., Kuntze, G. and Kerwin, D.G. (2011). Changes in Step Characteristics between the Maximum Velocity and Deceleration Phases of the 100 Metre Sprint Run. Portuguese Journal of Sports Sciences, al. pp. 455-458
- Cheng, L., Tan, H., Kuntze, G., Roskilly, K., Lowe, J.,
Bezodis, I.N., Hailes, S., Wilson, A. and Kerwin, D.G. (2010). Sensing for Stride Information of Sprinters. Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Wireless Sensor Networks. 5970, 147-161.
- Taherian, S., Pias, M., Harle. R., Coulouris, G., Hay, S., Cameron, J., Lasenby, J., Kuntze, G.,
Bezodis, I., Irwin, G., and Kerwin, D. (2010). Profiling Sprints using On-Body Sensors. IEEE International Workshop on Sensor Networks and Systems for Pervasive Computing (PerSeNS 2010). Mannheim, Germany. 444-449.
- Cheng, L., Tan, H., Kuntze, G.,
Bezodis, I.N., Hailes, S., Kerwin, D.G., and Wilson, A. (2010). A Low-Cost, Accurate Speed Tracking System for Supporting Sprint Coaching. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part P, Journal of Sports Engineering and Technology. 224 (P2), 167-179.
- Cheng, L., Kuntze, G., Tan, H., Nguyen, D., Roskilly, K., Lowe, J.,
Bezodis, I.N., Austin, T., Hailes, S., Kerwin, D.G., Wilson, A., Kalra, D. (2010). Practical sensing for sprint parameter monitoring, Sensor Mesh and Ad Hoc Communications and Networks (SECON), 7th Annual IEEE Communications Society Conference, 1-9.
- Gittoes, M.J.R.,
Bezodis, I.N., and Wilson, C.W. (2009). An image-based approach to obtaining anthropometric measurements for inertia modelling. Journal of Applied Biomechanics. 25, 265-270.
- Thompson, A.,
Bezodis, I.N., and Jones, R.L. (2009). An in-depth assessment of expert sprint coaches’ technical knowledge. Journal of Sports Sciences. 27, 855-861.
- Jones, R.,
Bezodis, I., and Thomson, A. (2009). Coaching Sprinting: Expert Coaches' Perception of Race Phases and Technical Constructs. International Journal of Sports Science and Coaching. 4, 385-396.
Bezodis, I.N., Kerwin, D.G. and Salo, A.I.T. (2008). Lower Limb Mechanics during the Support Phase of Maximum Velocity Sprint Running. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 40, 707-715
- Salo, A. and
Bezodis I. (2004). Which Starting Style is Faster in Sprint Running - Standing or Crouch Start? Sports Biomechanics, 3, 1, 43-54.
- Irwin, G.,
Bezodis, I. and Kerwin, D. (2013), Biomechanics for Coaches. In R.L. Jones and K. Kingston (Eds.) An Introduction to Sports Coaching Connecting Theory to Practice (Second Edition). Routledge, Abingdon, UK. pp145-160.
- Irwin, G. and
Bezodis, I.N. (2013). Sports Biomechanics: A Model of Research & Support. BASES Student Conference, Cardiff Metropolitan University, UK.
Bezodis, I.N. (2012). Investigation of the Step Length- Step Frequency Relationship in Sprinting: Applied Implications for Performance. 30th International Conference on Biomechanics in Sports. International Society of Biomechanics in Sport, Melbourne, Australia.
Bezodis, I.N., Harle, R., Irwin G and Kerwin D. (2012). Using Force Sensitive Resistors to Monitor Foot Contact Events in Sprint Running. British Society of Strain Measurement. Test and Analysis of Materials Performance in Sports Engineering. Loughborough, UK.
- Kerwin, D., Cheng, L., Kuntze, G., Irwin, G., Bezodis, I., Hailes, S., Tan, H., Wilson, A., Kalra, D. (2011). Ubiquitous Computing in Athletics - Monitoring Sprint Running. In Invited Symposium “Real Time Monitoring of Sports Performance”, chaired by Prof David Kerwin. European College of Sports Sciences.
- Kerwin, D., Irwin, G., Gittoes, M.,
Bezodis, I. and Kuntze, G. (2011). Trackside Technology for Developing Athletics Coaching and Performance. Japan Society for the Promotion of Science London Symposium Scheme. Sports Engineering: Engineering the Future of Sport.
Invited symposium
Bezodis, I. N. (2010). SESAME: Automated feedback for sprint coaching support. In Applied Session “Feedback to Athletes”, chaired by Dr Kevin Ball. International Society of Biomechanics in Sport, Marquette, MI, USA.
- Irwin, G., Kerwin, D.G., and
Bezodis, I.N. (2010).
“Mechanics of elite vaulting.” Maximising Gymnastics Performance through Science and Medicine Conference held in conjunction with the 2010 Pacific Rim Championships. Melbourne, April 2010.
Invited symposium
- Wild, J., Bezodis, N., Blagrove, R and
Bezodis, I. (2011). A Biomechanical Comparison of Accelerative and Maximum Velocity Sprinting: Specific Strength Training Considerations. Professional Strength and Conditioning (UK Strength and Conditioning Association), 21, 23-26
Teaching and Supervision
PhD Completions
Laura Charalambous, (2012). Biomechanical feedback for enhancing the key determinants of sprint performance. Director of Studies. Student registered at UWIC and co-supervised by Prof. Gareth Irwin and Prof. David Kerwin.
Current PhD Supervision
Hans Christian von Lieres und Wilkau. Thesis Title: Biomechanics of performance in the acceleration phase in sprinting. Director of Studies. Registered at Cardiff Met and co-supervised by Prof. Gareth Irwin.
Laurie Needham. Thesis Title: The influence of task constraints and training drills on performance during the approach phase of pole vaulting. Registered at Cardiff Met and co-supervised by Prof. Gareth Irwin (Director of Studies).
James Wild. Thesis Title: Biomechanics and motor control of early accelerative sprint running performance. Registered at St Mary’s University and co-supervised by Dr Neil Bezodis (Director of Studies) and Dr Jamie North.
Wesley Sleat. Thesis Title: The influence of natural turf variation on football performance and game characteristics. Registered at Cardiff Met and co-supervised by Dr Mike Hughes (Director of Studies) and Peter O’Donoghue.
I currently deliver on modules in the areas of biomechanics, sport and exercise science and research methods at both undergraduate and postgraduate level, being module leader for the level 6 module Sports Biomechanics (SSP6012) and the new level 7 module for 2016/17 Biomechanics of Sport Performance (SSP7113). I am a personal tutor within the Sport and Exercise Science degree programme, and supervise dissertation students and work experience placements at BSc and MSc level. I have previously fulfilled the role of Discipline Director (Biomechanics) in the Cardiff School of Sport.
Qualifications and Awards
- PhD in Sports Biomechanics, University of Bath.
- BSc (Hons) Sport and Exercise Science, First Class (Hons), University of Bath
- European Athletics Association Innovation Awards (2010), 1st prize Technology category, for a paper titled ‘Trackside Technology and Data Fusion for Developing Athletics Coaching and Performance’
- European Athletics Association Innovation Awards (2010), Runner up Coaching category, for a paper titled ‘The individual step length-step frequency interaction patterns in elite sprinters’
- Hans Gros New Investigator Award (2nd place), International Society of Biomechanics in Sports, 2008, Seoul, South Korea. Awarded for the presentation and defence of a paper entitled ‘A Longitudinal Case Study of Step Characteristics in a World Class Sprint Athlete’ in collaboration with Professor D.G. Kerwin and Dr A.I.T. Salo.
- Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
External Links
- I am a full member of both the International Society of Biomechanics in Sports, having served on the Board of Directors from 2009-2013, and the European College of Sports Science.
- I have provided consultancy and scientific support to elite governing bodies and teams, including Welsh Athletics, British Athletics, the Welsh Rugby Union and Cardiff Blues.
- I have been a member of scientific committees for conferences of ISBS, ISB, BASES and ESB, and an invited peer-reviewer for over a dozen academic journals.
- I am Associate Editor, Biomechanics for the Journal of Applied Case Studies in Sport and Exercise Science.
External Examining
- PhD Thesis: Leeds Beckett University, 2014.
- BSc Sport and Exercise Science programme: Sheffield Hallam University, 2013-2017.