Cardiff School of Sport and Health Sciences>Courses>Sport (Top-Up Year) - BSc (Hons) Degree

Sport (Top-Up Year) - BSc (Hons) Degree

Entry Year

The BSc (Hons) Sport degree at Cardiff Met provides you with the opportunity to build on your previous studies to complete a degree that reflects your requirements and provides a strong foundation for you to build on in the future, whether you wish to progress.

The BSc Sport degree has been designed to be a very flexible programme. Even though it only consists of one level, there are many different combinations of modules that you can take to enable you to build on what you already know and develop new skills and knowledge that you need to progress to employment or further study.

BSc Sport at Cardiff Met offers you a fantastic opportunity for you to shape your learning experience and independently progress your personal development. For example, you can choose to follow a sport science focussed route through the programme or a sport coaching focussed route or a sport management/development focussed route.

By carefully selecting the module​s you will take and utilising your final project and industrial placement experiences, you can ensure that on completion of your degree you have the skills and knowledge you need to progress.

Work-based learning is a core element of the degree programme, to enable you to apply your knowledge from the programme in real-world settings and to gain valuable experience to use as a foundation for future employment. The BSc (Hons) Sport degree leaves you well positioned to consider progression to a Masters degree programme, either at Cardiff Met or elsewhere should that be a route you are looking to follow.

​Course Content

Level 6 (Year 3 Equivalent)


  • Final Project*
  • Industry Placement*

Optional – Choose one from

  • Sociology of Sports and Physical Cultures
  • Coaching the Coach: Professional Development and Education
  • Physiology of Sport Performance
  • Sport Psychology
  • Strength & Conditioning for SES

Optional – Choose two from†

  • Digital Sports Marketing
  • Managing High Performance Sport
  • Applied Sport Coaching and Performance Analysis Problems
  • Ethical Issues in Sport
  • Interdisciplinary Sport and Exercise Science

The options chosen must fit the timetable and therefore not all combinations will be available. Please get in touch to discuss the programme and the options you would like to cover.

When making your module selections please consider your current areas of knowledge and expertise. Where appropriate, your studies on the BSc Sport (Top-Up) should look to extend the fields/topics explored on your previous course. If you are unsure of which modules to choose, or have any questions regarding module content, please contact your programme director Dan Spencer –

*modules available through the medium of Welsh

Learning & Teaching

Effective learning, teaching and assessment methods underpin the educational aims and the learning outcomes of all of our programmes and modules. Learning and teaching methods may include lectures, seminars, workshops, tutorials and practical sessions. Our Virtual Learning Environment is also an integral aspect of the learning package that supports the needs of our students.

BSc Sport utilises Lead lectures to introduce key topics and concepts, whilst seminars, tutorials, workshops and practical sessions focus on the application of key concepts with the aim of enhancing the student experience and engagement. You will also meet tutors on a one to one basis. As a school, we work hard to provide student-centred learning opportunities that deliver a high quality and flexible learning environment.

Learning and teaching methods emphasise and facilitate the development of your critical reasoning, and encourage the integration of practice and theory. Throughout your programme, you will experience both tutor-led learning and self-directed methods of learning. This will increase your independence and reflection and encourage you to develop a positive attitude toward lifelong learning.

Our teaching and learning methods embed the Cardiff Met 'EDGE' (Ethical, Global, Digital & Entrepreneurial) skills and you will be well equipped to demonstrate graduate attributes expected of you in an increasingly competitive world of work. We aim to help you to develop into reflective professionals and critical scholars.

In your BSc Sport degree programme at Cardiff Met, you will encounter a learning experience from induction to graduation that is flexible, coherent and develops your identity within your programme of study.


The assessment strategies for each module vary to ensure that most appropriate method is implemented for your area of study. Modes of assessment are designed to both enhance your learning experience and to acknowledge that you have fulfilled the learning outcomes linked to each module. Assessment also ensures that you have achieved the standard required to progress to the next stage or to qualify for an award (as articulated by the FHEQ and CQFW). Assessments support your learning experience by providing opportunities for you to engage in formative and summative assessments to test your knowledge, ability, skill, and critical understanding. The undergraduate modules are assessed by a combination of assessment types. For example:

  • written coursework
  • poster presentations
  • oral presentations
  • portfolios
  • seen and unseen exams
  • practical skills
  • other activities designed to assess, develop, and enhance academic and employability skills.

You will be expected to complete a final project as part of the assessment of your honours degree. Final projects are major pieces of work that may be a research, innovation, consultancy or community project.

Employability & Careers

The Cardiff Met EDGE supports you to thrive in the modern world. Throughout your degree you will experience a range of opportunities to develop your Ethical, Digital, Global and Entrepreneurial competencies through problem-based learning, real-world industry case studies, integrated work experiences on campus and opportunities for work-based learning placements off campus. We will ensure that you get a range of opportunities to develop transferable skills such as communication, team work and leadership.

Work placements can give you a critical EDGE in gaining professional employment on graduation. Students who have graduated from the our sport programmes programme have gone on to work in careers both within and beyond the Sport Industry.

For example graduates from our sport programmes are now working in professional and semi-professional sport, national agencies and governing bodies of sport, local authority and social enterprise based organisations, community related organisations, as well as commercial sport and fitness.

Many students also pursue their own opportunities and set up businesses based on ideas that they have generated during their studies. There is on-going enterprise support available from the Centre for Entrepreneurship designed to help provide the best chance to create a successful enterprise. This includes business mentoring, funding advice, free office space and networking opportunities.

Other students have continued onto further study through our masters programmes for example and then further progressed to doctoral level studies. You could also use the BSc Sport programme to progress onto more generic Masters level programmes at Cardiff Met or other Higher Education institutions offering similar courses.

Entry Requirements​ & How to Apply

Applicants should normally be currently undertaking, or have already completed, an HND or Foundation Degree equivalent to levels 4 & 5 at UK Higher Education level in a sport related subject. Applications from students with non-sport related qualifications at HND or Foundation level will be considered on a case by case basis by the programme director. If you wish to talk about the programme and entry requirements please contact the Programme Director, Dan Spencer for an informal chat.

How to Apply:
Applications for this course should be made online to UCAS at For further information please visit our How to Apply pages at

Part-time applications should be made direct to the University at:

Contact Us

For general enquiries please contact the Admissions Team on 029 2041 6044 or email

For course specific enquiries, please contact the Programme Director Dan Spencer
Tel: 029 2020 5811

We endeavour to deliver courses as described and will not normally make changes to courses, such as course title, content, delivery, and teaching provision. However, it may be necessary for the university to make changes in the course provision before or after enrolment. It reserves the right to make variations to content or delivery methods, including discontinuation or merging courses if such action is considered necessary. Please read our Terms and Conditions for the full information.

Key Course Information

UCAS Code: C611

Place of Study: 
Cyncoed Campus

Cardiff School of Sport & Health Sciences

Course Length:
One year full-time
Two years part-time

Part-time fees:
Charges are per single module unless specified: undergraduate = 10 credits. Please contact the programme leader for further information on modules to be studied part-time and how this will affect fees.

Sport Facilities

The University continues to invest in its world-class sporting facilities at the Cyncoed campus to enhance the performance and academic development of all our students.