Study>Advice for Applicants>Occupational Health

Occupational Health Assessments

​​​​​​​​To comply with current Health & Safety legislation, all Cardiff Met applicants beginning a healthcare-related programme (involving a clinical placement component), are required to participate in a mandatory Occupational Health assessment. Additionally, certain courses are also required to adhere to the Department of Health's immunisation and vaccination programme.

The courses that require participation in either an Occupational Health assessment and/or a vaccination programme are:

  • BSc Healthcare Science
  • BSc Human Nutrition & Dietetics
  • BSc Podiatry​​
  • BSc Speech & Language Therapy
  • MSc/PgDip Dietetics
  • BSc Dental Technology
  • BSc Complementary Healthcare (Top-Up)

What do I need to do?

Students will be required to complete Innovate Healthcare's digital screening questionnaire which asks questions linked to your physical and mental health. Through the questionnaire you can advise of any health conditions that may require specific recommendations or adjustments. The final part of questionnaire focuses on immunisations. Applicants holding an Conditional Firm place will be emailed a link to access and complete the questionnaire online. The immunisation questionnaire has the facility for you to upload any supporting immunisation evidence you may have, and it is advisable for you to have this ready as a saved file before starting the questionnaire.

Following completion of your immunisation questionnaire, you may receive an email requesting additional immunisation evidence, but if you do not have copies to provide, please advise Innovate Healthcare so they are able to progress your questionnaire to the next ​stage.

An Innovate Healthcare clinician will review your questionnaire responses and if further vaccinations and/or blood tests have been identified as a requirement for your course, you will receive an email notification advising a vaccination review is required.

If all the clinical requirements for your course have been met, you will receive a notification confirming you are cleared/FIT and no further action is required.

What vaccinations are required for my course?

  • MMR

  • Hepatitis A (currently BSc Healthcare Science students only)

  • Hepatitis B

  • BCG (Mantoux)

  • Varicella Zoster

  • Influenza

I need a vaccination review, what happens next?

You will be required to attend scheduled vaccination clinics on campus to receive the required immunisations for your programme of study. It is important you attend on the requested date as the follow up visits have already been agreed between the University and Innovate Healthcare, in line with the vaccination schedules.

IMPORTANT: Failure to attend your appointment without good cause and/or giving reasonable prior notice (no later than 5 working days before your appointment) may result in the cost of the vaccination(s) being administered at this appointment passed on to you the student. Missed appointments will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis and you may be asked to provide further evidence. Please note, the occupational health vaccination process is a mandatory part of your healthcare programme, and ALL students are expected to engage.

At your appointment the nurse will retrieve your immunisation file and provide you with the appropriate consent that you will be required to complete on the day. The nurse may take your blood to check your immunity levels in line with the requirements for your course and administer any required vaccinations, for example Hepatitis B.

You can access your blood test results and evidence of vaccinations delivered by Innovate Healthcare via their Patient Portal which requires you to log in (Innovate will provide a guide on how to do this). Follow up vaccinations will be administered at the next nurse session, and the same process will apply until you have completed the vaccination course and the clinical requirements for your course have been met.

Contact Us

​If you have any questions about Occupational Health, please contact:

