Dr Arslan Ahmad

Dr Arslan Ahmad

Department: Department of Computer Science

Office/Location: Cardiff School of Technologies, Llandaff Campus


Email: aahmad@cardiffmet.ac.uk

Staff Overview

Dr Arslan Ahmad is currently working as a Senior Lecturer at School of Technologies, Cardiff Metropolitan University. He has industrial R&D experience in 5G networks.

He received his PhD degree in Electronics and Computer Engineering from the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, University of Cagliari, Italy in 2019. He has worked as Marie Curie Fellow (2015-2018) in MSCA ITN QoE-Net. He has served as a Postdoctoral researcher at University of Cagliari from 2018 to 2019. He has numerous publications in international peer-reviewed conferences and journals, two of which has been awarded the Best paper award at IFIP/IEEE IM 2017 and IEEE Multimedia Technical Committee. He has been the reviewer of IEEE Transaction on Multimedia, Springer Multimedia Tools and Application, and Elsevier Image Communication. He has been Web Chair of the 10th International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX 2018) and Technical Program Committee member of IEEE ICC and IEEE WCNC.

His research interests include multimedia communication, Software-Defined Networking (SDN), Network Function Virtualization (NFV), machine learning, Quality of Experience (QoE) based service and network monitoring and management. The primary focus of his research is the QoE monitoring and management of the Over-The-Top (OTTs) multimedia services and OTT-ISP collaboration for the joint multimedia service management.


  • ​S4003 – Principles of Programming
  • CIS5010 – Networks and Communication


  • 5G/6G Networks
  • Quality of Experience (QoE)
  • Network Management and monitoring
  • Software-Defined Networking (SDN)
  • Network Function Virtualization (NFV)
  • Machine Learning
  • Data-Driven Networks

Key Publications

​Journal publications:

Arslan Ahmad, Alessandro Floris and Luigi Atzori, "Timber: An SDN-Based Emulation Platform for Experimental Research on Video Streaming," in IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 38, no. 7, pp. 1374-1387, July 2020, doi: 10.1109/JSAC.2020.2999683. 

Alcardo Alex Barakabitze, Nabajeet Barman, Arslan Ahmad, Saman Zadtootaghaj, Lingfen Sun, Maria G Martini, Luigi Atzori: QoE Management of Multimedia Streaming Services in Future Networks: A Tutorial and Survey. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 12/2019; DOI:10.1109/COMST.2019.2958784 

Alcardo Alex Barakabitze, Arslan Ahmad, Andrew Hines, Rashid Mijumbi: 5G Network Slicing using SDN and NFV: A Survey of Taxonomy, Architectures and Future Challenges. Computer Networks 11/2019;DOI:10.1016/j.comnet.2019.106984 

Arslan Ahmad, Luigi Atzori: MNO-OTT Collaborative Video Streaming in 5G: The Zero-rated QoE Approach for Quality and Resource Management. IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management 09/2019; PP(99):1-1. DOI:10.1109/TNSM.2019.2942716 

Alessandro Floris, Arslan Ahmad, Luigi Atzori: QoE-aware OTT-ISP Collaboration in Service Management: Architecture and Approaches. ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing Communications and Applications 01/2018; 14(2s)., DOI:10.1145/3183517 

Werner Robitza, Arslan Ahmad, Peter A. Kara, Luigi Atzori, Maria G. Martini, Alexander Raake, Lingfen Sun: Challenges of future multimedia QoE monitoring for internet service providers. Multimedia Tools and Applications 06/2017;, DOI:10.1007/s11042-017-4870-z 

Arslan Ahmad, Alessandro Floris, Luigi Atzori: QoE-centric Service Delivery: A Collaborative Approach among OTTs and ISPs. Computer Networks 09/2016; 110(9 December 2016):168-179., DOI:10.1016/j.comnet.2016.09.022 

Conference Proceedings: 

Arslan Ahmad, Alessandro Floris, Luigi Atzori: Towards Information-centric Collaborative QoE Management using SDN. 2019 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC); 04/2019, DOI:10.1109/WCNC.2019.8885412 

Arslan Ahmad, Alessandro Floris, Luigi Atzori: Timber: An SDN based emulation platform for QoE Management Experimental Research. 10th International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX 2018), Sardinia, Italy; 05/2018, DOI:10.1109/QoMEX.2018.8463387 

Arslan Ahmad, Alessandro Floris, Luigi Atzori: Towards QoE Monitoring at User Terminal: A Monitoring Approach based on Quality Degradation. IEEE International Symposium on Broadband Multimedia Systems and Broadcasting 2017; 06/2017, DOI:10.1109/BMSB.2017.7986131 

Arslan Ahmad, Luigi Atzori, Maria G Martini: Qualia: A Multilayer Solution for QoE Passive Monitoring at the User Terminal. IEEE ICC 2017 Communications Software, Services, and Multimedia Applications Symposium (ICC’17 CSSMA). IEEE, Paris, France (2017); 05/2017, DOI:10.1109/ICC.2017.7997262 

Arslan Ahmad, Alessandro Floris, Luigi Atzori: OTT-ISP joint service management: A Customer Lifetime Value based approach. IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management. IEEE, Lisbon; 05/2017, DOI:10.23919/INM.2017.7987431 

Arslan Ahmad, Alessandro Floris, Luigi Atzori: QoE-aware Service Delivery: A Joint-Venture Approach for Content and Network Providers. Eighth International Workshop on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX) 2016, Lisbon; 06/2016, DOI:10.1109/QoMEX.2016.7498972 

Arslan Ahmad, Rafia Mumtaz, Mukaram Khan, S H Mirza, Atif Bin Mansoor: Image processing and classification in diabetic retinopathy: A review. EUVIP 2014, Paris, France; 12/2014, DOI:10.1109/EUVIP.2014.7018362

Other Projects and activities

  • Marie Curie Fellowship - QoE-Net EU Horizon 2020 MSCA ITN – 2015-2018
  • ORCA EU Horizon 2020 ICT – 2019
  • RAN Controller SD-RAN Project – IS Wireless, Poland 2019-2020
  • SIP Internal Grant Cardiff Metropolitan University - 2021
  • Global Academy Fellowship - 2021

External Links