Bronze Scholarship - Tumbling


Athlete Information:​

Name: Jac Perry​                                                          

Age: 18

Sport: Tumbling (Gymnastics)

Course: Biomedical Sciences

Year of study: 1​​

​Athlete Profile

Originally coming from a small club in Carmarthenshire, I've worked my way up through a number of clubs going up through the ranks. I now train in a club in England called Andover Gymnastics where I'm coached by internationally renowned coaches and train next to World Champions. In 2014 and 2015 I went to the World Age Groups World Championships held in Florida and Denmark. 

In Denmark I reached my highest world ranking of 7th place which was the proudest moment of my life so far. I have been reselected for the 2016-2017 British Team where we are being prepared for the 2017 World Championships. I'm currently training towards the 2016 British Championships which are held in Liverpool in July where I am hoping to medal.  

What difference has the sc​holarship made?

The scholarship has helped a lot. As I am not in a funded sport, all expenses have to come from my pocket. As I am now training in England the cost of travelling is very high, any money which can help me reach my goals is a great help. The scholarship has helped a lot as it has taken some pressure of having to find money off of me and my family, allowing me to concentrate more on my sports and my studies. 

I chose the catering allowance and I use it everyday. It covers my food that I have for lunch. £20 a week may not seem like a lot but it does build up and it does amount to a lot of money at the end of the year. This is money that I don't have to worry about finding again allowing me to concentrate of training and studying. The food in the catering facilities is of a high and healthy standard and there's also a large variety to choose from. I can also use the training facilities on both campuses in Cardiff Met, this is a great help as when I am not periods of high training I can maintain my fitness and conditioning. With the scholarship I can also receive treatment if I require it.