Paul Wilgeroth MSc FHEA

t: 02920 416902

Specialist Subject Areas

Product Design Process
Design for Manufacture, Assembly and Disassembly
Materials and Manufacturing Processes
Product Design Specification
Computer Aided Design & Manufacture
Product Design Management


MSc Design Engineering (Loughborough)


Paul Wilgeroth is a very experienced Product Designer and Design Engineer with almost 20 years of professional practice in industry. His first decade in industry was spent in a Research & Development environment working on a diverse range of projects and resulting in several successful patent applications, with many designs progressing in to mass production. Projects ranged from innovative, energy-saving domestic products through to various novel high-powered medical and industrial laser systems. The second half of his industrial career was devoted to various design management roles that culminated as Product Design Manager of Hoover’s European Division.

He joined Cardiff Metropolitan University (UWIC) in 1995 initially as a senior lecturer in Industrial Design, quickly progressing to Programme Director and Director of the Centre for Design Engineering Studies. He was the principal author of the Product Design Programme of courses and as Programme Director has seen the courses grow and become recognised as amongst the top five product design programmes in the UK.

Paul undertook the role of Director of Learning & Teaching and Deputy Dean of the School of Art & Design for a number of years before returning to a series of more hands on teaching roles including Head of Engineering, Programme Director of the MSc Advanced Product Design, and pathway Leader MBA Product Development Management.

Paul has also published widely at an international level mainly in the field of Pedagogy and Andragogy within undergraduate & postgraduate Product Design Education.

Principal Publications and/or Exhibitions

“Impact of a change of environment on autonomy and design exploration”. Loudon, Gareth; Gill, Steve; Wilgeroth, Paul (2013). E&PDE 13. Dublin

“Current status of small scale biomass CHP technology development”. Linsley-Hood, David; McGinnes, Des; John Littlewood; Paul Wilgeroth & Andy Wiseman (2013). International Bio-energy Conference, Jyvaskyla, Finland.

“Deliberate Play: The importance of play and creativity in the design curriculum”. Loudon, Gareth; Wilgeroth, Paul; Deininger, Gina (2012). Design Education for Future Wellbeing. E&PDE 12. Artesis, Antwerp, Belgium.

“Design Specifications and Creativity – are they Compatible?” Design education for creativity and business innovation : Wilgeroth P (2011) proceedings of E&PDE 11, Edinburgh, UK. London.

Who are the future designers? The path leading to undergraduate study of product design”; Wilgeroth P and Stockton Glynn (2009). Creating a Better World, 11th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education, Brighton.

“The Delivery of Green Design Techniques in an Immersive Learning Environment”; Wilgeroth P, Stockton G and Gill S (2008) New Perspectives in Design Education. Engineering and Product Design International Conference, Barcelona

“Shaping Design Graduates: Assessing and Developing Core Competencies”. Griffiths R, Gordon B, and Wilgeroth P (2007); 5th Engineering & Product Design Education International Newcastle upon Tyne.

“Emulation of Real Life Environments For User Testing”; Gordon B and Wilgeroth P,(2008) New Perspectives in Design Education. Engineering and Product Design International Conference, Barcelona

“A Novel Approach to Learning Reinforcement”; Wilgeroth, P and Gordon B (2006) e&pde06. The 4th Engineering & Product Design Education International Conference, Salzburg.

“The Role of Model making within the Undergraduate Product Design Process”; Wilgeroth, P and Gill, S (2006). e&pde06. The 4th Engineering & Product Design Education
International Conference, Salzburg.

“The unexpected benefits of an integrated CAD/CAM based model making strategy”; Wilgeroth, P and Gill, S (2006). e&pde06. The 4th Engineering & Product Design Education International Conference, Salzburg.

“Design Curriculum Development – Modular Degrees Fail to deliver”; Wilgeroth, P and Hewett, B (2005). e&pde05. The 3rd Engineering and Product Design Education International Conference, Napier UK.

“How to Achieve the Impossible: Team working and professional collaboration can design and produce an interactive prototype for an information appliance in 24-hours” ; Wilgeroth, P & Barham, G, Gill S (2005). e&pde05. The 3rd Engineering and Product Design Education International Conference, Napier UK.

“Who’s degree is it anyway? Design Collaboration and team working in academia”; Griffiths, R and Wilgeroth P (2005). E&pde05. The 3rd Engineering and Product Design Education International Conference, Napier UK.

Enterprise Projects and/or Industrial links

Orangebox: SIP
Advanced Furniture, commercial design project
Canon Hygiene, commercial design project
LTG Products Ltd: Live project brief and module sponsorship.
Leema Acoustics Ltd: Live project brief and module sponsorship