International>Global Opportunities>Challenges Abroad - Sports programme

Challenges Abroad: Sports Programme

Challenges Abroad: Sports Programme

Country: Tanzania

Dates: 4 weeks (Summer '24)

Cost: £1795

What's included: Accommodation & Food, in-country transport

​You will have the opportunity to engage with the Challenges Abroad Sports programme in Tanzania. You will be able to share your coaching skills and develop key skills such as leadership, communication and problem solving, as you travel to Moshi and Arusha in Tanzania. You will gain experience and intercultural awareness on an international platform, which will enhance global awareness and increase your employability. You will participate in cross-cultural exchange and share skills and see first-hand the positive impact of Sport within the community. This will also enable you to be more successful as future leaders in a globally connected world thus delivering significant value to the UK economy and return to the taxpayer.

You will work effectively as a team as you develop your creative skills, solve problems, develop your confidence and adaptability skills, all whilst communicating respectfully across different languages and develop your ability to be self-reflective, whilst understanding and embracing the concept of global citizenship.