About>Welsh Language Unit>Guidance for staff

Guidance for staff

​Below is some guidance for staff wishing to use more Welsh in the workplace.

Bilingual telephone enquiries

The Welsh Language Unit holds language awareness training so that we can advise and answer questions about the Standards. 

One of the requirements of the Standards is that Cardiff Met staff answer the phone with a bilingual greeting.
Please answer the phone with a bilingual greeting such as:
Bore da (Bor-reh-dah) / Good morning
Prynhawn da (Prin-houn-dah) / Good afternoon
If you're feeling confident here are some useful phrases:
Prifygsol Metropolitan Caerdydd / Cardiff Metropolitan University
[Your name] sy'n siarad / [Your name] speaking
Pwy sy'n galw? / Who's calling?
Hwyl / Goodbye
Diolch / Thank you
Always answer the phone with a bilingual greeting to show that Cardiff Metropolitan University is happy to take calls in Welsh.
When you receive a call in Welsh:
• Please deal with the call in Welsh if you are able to do so.
• If not, explain that you are not able to speak Welsh and transfer the call to a Welsh speaking colleague who can help.

The Welsh Language Unit has created a training package and a step by step guide for Cardiff Met staff on how to deal with bilingual telephone enquiries.

​Bilingual social media

Using Welsh on social media can contribute to developing relationships with customers or service users in order to ensure that they have trust in the service, product or experience offered. For further advice, please contact the Welsh Language Unit and we will be happy to help.