Work based learning allows prior skills and knowledge to be recognised, both from experience gained in the work place, continuous professional development (CPD) and from previous qualifications.
There are two main forms of RPL that are recognised by the University:
Recognition of Prior Experiential Learning - this is known as RPEL and credits or access to a further course of study (where normal entry qualifications cannot be evidenced) can be gained from the value of work experience and life experiences which we gain from voluntary work, community participation and leisure activities.
Recognition of Prior Certificated Learning - this is known as RPCL and credits or access to a further course of study can be gained from previous qualifications.
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) can reduce the amount of time it takes to achieve an award and allows work based learners to gain credit towards an award. RPL can also assist in gaining entry onto an award where the normal entry qualifications are not available.
"The recognition of learning from experience and the associated process of reflective synthesis required in order to construct an RPEL claim can often result in an increased level of confidence within the prospective learner. Such reflection can also enhance the link between theory and practice" (From the Cardiff Metropolitan University Academic Handbook)