Professor Delia Ripley

Job Title: Professor in Healthcare Science
Room No: D2.01d
Telephone No: + 44 (0) 29 2041 5616
Email Address:


I am responsible for the design and implementation of the Modernising Scientific careers (MSC) BSc (Hons) Healthcare Science (Life Science) practitioner training programme (PTP) at Cardiff Metropolitan University. This was the first programme in the UK to successfully achieve multiple approval, accreditation and validation from the Department of Health (DoH) Health Education England (HEE), Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) and the Institute of Biomedical Science (IBMS) in 2012.

I contribute towards the taught element of the BSc (Hons) Healthcare Science (Life Science) and Biomedical Science programmes, and I am responsible for delivering areas of the curriculum that are concerned with Immunohaematology and Professional Practice. As a registered Biomedical Scientist, I am able to underline the importance of professional conduct and regulation, and introduce students to the concepts of professional development and reflective practice. I also work with clinical educators across Wales to assist with the supervision of NHS laboratory based placements. Additionally, I contribute to the taught component of the MSc Biomedical Science programme in Immunohaematology, and I am responsible for supervising and supporting in-house and work-based research projects.

Prominent amongst the above teaching-related activities is the establishment and maintenance of collaborative links between the Cardiff Metropolitan Department of Biomedical Sciences and our external partners, particularly with regard to the Academy for Healthcare Science (AHCS), the UK Government Department of Health (DoH), the Welsh Government, the NHS, the Institute of Biomedical Scientists (IBMS), the National School of Healthcare Science (NSHCS) and the Health and care Professionals Council (HCPC) – see 'external links' section below for details.


Currently I am researching into a recently discovered acute phase protein called Hepcidin, and its role in infection and immunity. As part of my PhD study, I am also interested in the antimicrobial action of this polypeptide against a range of common hospital acquired pathogens, and will continue to explore the possibility that hepcidin could potentially form the basis of a much-needed novel antimicrobial in the future.


1. Ripley DA, Morris RH, Maddocks SE. Dual stimulation with bacterial and viral components increases the expression of hepcidin in human monocytes. FEMS Microbiol Lett. 2014

External Links

Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA)

I have a seconded role with the Academy for Healthcare Science (AHCS). The AHCS is the overarching body of the UK's diverse Healthcare Science professions, and was established and commissioned by the UK Health Department to provide 'one voice' for the scientific community delivering patient care in the national health and social care system. I have been working with the Academy on a number of key projects including:

  • The development of consistent regulation by establishing accredited voluntary registers for individuals completing the Modernising Scientific Careers (MSC) training programmes
  • Implementing a system of 'equivalence' to recognise the existing qualifications and experience that the healthcare science workforce may possess mapped to the MSC training programmes, in order to allow career progression through the new healthcare science career framework
  • Quality assurance of the delivery of all Healthcare Science education and training across the UK, in partnership with stakeholders including the National School of Healthcare Science (NSHCS), the Health and Care Protection Council (HCPC), and participating Higher Education Institutions
  • The development of common standards for Healthcare Science practice

I am the AHCS Academic Lead for the implementation of PTP equivalence, and have been instrumental in the development of the equivalence process at the STP Healthcare Scientist (MSc) level. I have also assisted with the implementation of robust quality assurance mechanisms to standardise the various pathways of education and training in Healthcare Science across the UK.

As the sole AHCS representative in Wales, I work closely with the Welsh Government's Chief Scientific Adviser (Health) and liaise with the NHS Wales Healthcare Science professional groups in order to ensure that the workforce have an input into the formal advisory structure of the Welsh Government. This role has included the piloting of Welsh candidates for STP equivalence, and subsequently facilitating access to statutory regulation for Clinical Scientists. This increased regulation is an important development that will impact on the quality and safety of NHS services in Wales, and most importantly, directly improve patient care.