Global Week Active Challenge
Global Week will see a launch of an active challenge where staff and students are encouraged to log their physical activity to discover how far Cardiff Met can travel the world in a week. All members of the university are encouraged to log how many miles that they walk, run, cycle or row throughout the week using an online system that can be found
here. At the end of the week, the total distance will be calculated to discover our final destination. Will it be France? India? Or could we even make it as far as Australia?! Come on team Cardiff Met!
Add your physical activity here!
Monday 4th March 2019
Global Week Launch
Venue: Atrium, Llandaff campus
Time: 11.00am - 2.00pm
Stalls will line the Atrium to kick start Global Week 2019! Come along and explore what will be going on during the week.
Chinese day
Venue: Atrium (Cardiff School of Management, Llandaff campus) and K1 (Cyncoed campus)
Time: 12.00am - 2.00pm
In celebration of Global Week, university run catering facilities will be holding Chinese themed lunch options today - enjoy!
CSAD - Art Exhibition
Mothers of Africa Quilts exhibition
Walls of CSAD, Llandaff campus
Lives of the Artists posters and/or slides
Venue: G/F corridor CSAD, Llandaff campus
International Women's Day 2019 merchandise and display
Venue: Llandaff Atrium, Cyncoed (tbc)
Tuesday 5th March 2019
Global Village
Venue: The Atrium, Cardiff School of Management, Llandaff Campus
Time: 11.00am – 14.00pm
The Atrium will be transformed into a Global Village to showcase and celebrate the different cultures of the students studying at Cardiff Met. Join us for an opportunity to explore the stalls from around the world and learn about unique cultures, try delicious food samples and take part in traditional activities.
Italian day
Venue: Atrium (Cardiff School of Management, Llandaff campus) and K1 (Cyncoed campus)
Time: 12.00pm - 2.00pm
In celebration of Global Week, university run catering facilities will be holding Italian themed lunch options today - enjoy!
ELTC Photo Competition & Language Exchange
Venue: Outside Print Studio, near K1 (Cyncoed)
Time: 12.00pm- 2.00pm
Photo Competition - Theme 'Cardiff Life'
Just send your photo to by end of Sunday 3rd March. Your photo can be of anything in or around Cardiff.
Language Exchange
Teach people to say 'hello' in your language!
If you have a
flag from your country, please bring it to the ELTC office before 1st March. See you there!
Student presentation - experiences of working with refugees in Jordan
Venue: O0.18, Llandaff campus
Time: 13.00pm - 14.00pm
Cardiff Met’s Environmental Health, Public Health and Nutrition courses have been working with The Modern University for Business and Science in Lebanon and The Changing Lives Foundation in Jordan for the last three years. Last year students went out to Jordan to take part in public health and community based activities in schools, refugee camps and hospitals. Meanwhile, lecture theatres at Cardiff Met., Lebanon and Stanford, California took part in a virtual student exchange. Fellow students and visiting staff from Beirut will introduce you to the region and some of the activities you could get involved with.
CSAD - Art Exhibition
Mothers of Africa Quilts exhibition
Venue: Walls of CSAD, Llandaff campus
Lives of the Artists posters and/or slides
Venue: G/F corridor CSAD, Llandaff campus
International Women's Day 2019 merchandise and display
Venue: Llandaff Atrium, Cyncoed (tbc).
Girls Together Campaign
Cyncoed campus
Wednesday 6th March 2019
Connecting with the Community: MUBS Outreach & Engagement Activities
Venue: D106, Llandaff campus
Time: 11.00am - 12.00pm
Dr Nisreen Alwan, Dean of School of Health Sciences at Modern University of Business and Science in Beirut, will speak about how her school outreaches to refugees and local communities in Lebanon.
British day
Venue: Atrium (Cardiff School of Management, Llandaff campus) and K1 (Cyncoed campus)
Time: 12.00am - 2.00pm
In celebration of Global Week, university run catering facilities will be holding British themed lunch options today - enjoy!
Global week Yoga – International celebration of yoga for students and staff
Venue: C0.21, Llandaff campus
Time: 1.00pm - 2.00pm
Yoga originates from ancient India but today it is practised all around world in various forms. Join us for an international celebration of yoga to revitalise and relax your body and mind. This class includes asanas (postures) to stretch and strengthen the body, as well as a short breathing and relaxation meditation. The class is suitable for new and experienced yogis.
Visa and work options after your studies
Venue: 01.01, Llandaff campus
Time: 2.00pm - 4.00pm
International students are invited to attend this workshop held by Glyn Lloyd (Immigration Solicitor at Newfields Law) and Jon Forbes (Careers Consultant Manager from Cardiff Met's Career Service). The workshop is designed to provide advice on visa options and looking for employment after their studies. Topics include current landscape for international students wanting to work in the UK, UK immigration advice, how to find work experience/internships in the UK, searching for graduate jobs in the UK and abroad.
Global Week 30 minute meal challenge

Venue: Brains Suite Kitchen, Llandaff campus
Time: 3.30pm - 5.30pm
In collaboration with Res Life, we are pleased to hold an internationally themed 30 minute meal challenge. Why not come along to learn some cooking skills and cook yourself a tasty meal in just 30 minutes? You can choose between four options including Indian, Chinese, Thai or Malaysian - sign up now at the International Office (Room T013, Llandaff campus).
International Party
Venue: Zen Bar, Llandaff Campus
Time: 19.00pm – late
A night not to be missed for guaranteed entertainment, food and fun! The evening will kick off with an international fashion show followed by a Cardiff Met student talent contest. The disco will then get started and the free buffet will open – do not miss this fun-filled evening!
CSAD - Art Exhibition
Mothers of Africa Quilts exhibition
Venue: Walls of CSAD, Llandaff campus
Lives of the Artists posters and/or slides
Venue: G/F corridor CSAD, Llandaff campus
International Women's Day 2019 merchandise and display
Venue: Llandaff Atrium, Cyncoed (tbc).
Thursday 7th March 2019
Global Week/Fairtrade Fortnight Sports Tournament
Venue: 3G pitch and Centro, Cyncoed campus
Time: 11.00am - 3.00pm
Join us for the Global Week/Fairtrade Fortnight sports tournament to celebrate cultural diversity, inclusion and internationalisation. Football and table tennis teams will be a mixture of students and staff competing to be Cardiff Met champions! Come along to show your support!
Indian day
Venue: Atrium (Cardiff School of Management, Llandaff campus) and K1 (Cyncoed campus)
Time: 12.00am - 2.00pm
In celebration of Global Week, university run catering facilities will be holding Indian themed lunch options today - enjoy!
CSAD - Art Exhibition
Mothers of Africa Quilts exhibition – walls of CSAD (Maggie Cullinane)
Come and See the Lives of the Artists posters and/or slides, MoA quilts – evening reception CSAD
International Women's Day 2019 merchandise and display – Llandaff Atrium, Cyncoed (tbc).
Friday 8th March 2019
SU Cultural Awareness Workshop
Venue: SU meeting room, Llandaff campus
Time: 10.00am - 1.00pm
Hosted by the Student Union, come along to this cultural awareness workshop to improve your understanding of different cultures from around the world. This is a student only event held by an external trainer. Students must book onto the workshop by clicking
Mexican day
Venue: Atrium (Cardiff School of Management, Llandaff campus) and K1 (Cyncoed campus)
Time: 12.00am - 2.00pm
In celebration of Global Week, university run catering facilities will be holding Mexican themed lunch options today - enjoy!
International Women's Day
Wear Purple
Welcoming all staff and students to wear purple and/or green (suffragette colours)
Coaching and open conversations taster workshop
Venue: C0.20, Llandaff campus
Time: 2pm - 4pm
Women's Networking Lunch followed by talk from Lindsay Cordroy-Bruce
Venue: C0.20, Llandaff campus
Time: TBC
CSAD - Art Exhibition
Mothers of Africa Quilts exhibition
Venue: Walls of CSAD, Llandaff campus
Lives of the Artists posters and/or slides
Venue: G/F corridor CSAD, Llandaff campus
IWD 2019 merchandise and display
Venue: Llandaff Atrium, Cyncoed (tbc).
Transnational Education Partner Conference
Representatives from our TNE Partners across the world will join together for a three day conference to share best practice.