Key Action 1: International Credit Mobility Grants are for:
1. Students and staff members from Partner HEI's within Partner Countries wanting to study, teach or train at Cardiff Met.
2. Students and staff members from Cardiff Met wanting to study, teach or train at a Partner HEI within a Partner Country.
Please note that exchange between two partner country universities is not possible. For further information on exchanges between Cardiff Met and EU universities, please visit the Key Action 1: Europe page.
Please see below the rules on individual mobility flows:
Eligibility Criteria for Student Mobility
In order to be eligible, applicants:
- Must be registered at Cardiff Met or at a HEI within a partner country with whom Cardiff Met has an established inter-institutional agreement.
- Must be enrolled in studies leading to a recognised degree.
- Must be enrolled at least in the second year of higher education studies in case of mobility for studies.
- Must not exceed a period of 12 months of mobility periods through Erasmus+ (International and Europe combined) for each cycle of study, independent of the number and type of mobility activities. Participation with a zero-grant from EU funds counts as well towards this maximum duration:
- during the first study cycle (Bachelor or equivalent) including the short-cycle (EQF levels 5 and 6);
- during the second study cycle (Master or equivalent - EQF level 7); and
- during the third cycle as doctoral candidate (doctoral level or EQF level 8).
Eligibility Criteria for Staff Mobility
Staff mobility for teaching: Must be employed as a member of staff by Cardiff Met or in a Partner Country HEI with whom Cardiff Met has an established inter-institutional agreement that includes teaching.
Staff mobility for training: Must be employed as a member of staff by Cardiff Met or in a Partner Country HEI with whom Cardiff Met has an established inter-institutional agreement.