Recent and Forthcoming Publications



Journal Papers and Book Outputs 2016

Strategic Foresight for (Coastal) Urban Tourism Market Complexity: The case of Bournemouth by Sheena Carlisle, (WCTR, Cardiff Metropolitan University), Aleksander Johansen and Martin Kunc, Tourism Management. Volume 54, June 2016, pages 81-95

Online Communication in Spanish DMOs. The view of practitioners by Fernández-Cavia, J., Marchiori, E., Claire Haven-Tang (WCTR, Cardiff Metropolitan University) and Cantoni, L. (2016), Journal of Vacation Marketing, April, pages 1-10.

Modelling Power; Based on Women's Low Participation at Senior Levels in Elite Kitchens in the United Kingdom by Alan White (2016). Journal of Tourism Research and Hospitality, Volume 5, Issue 2.

Journal Papers and Book Outputs 2015

Seriously Pink: A Cross-Cultural Examination of the Perceived Image of Rosé Wine by Natalia Velikova, Steve Charters, Tatiana Bouzdine-Chameeva, Joanna Fountain, Caroline Ritchie (WCTR, Cardiff Metropolitan University), Tim Dodd, (2015). International Journal of Wine Business Research, Volume. 27, Issue 4, pages 281 – 298,

A multi-stakeholder approach: using visual methodologies for the investigation of intercultural exchange at cultural events by Karen Davies, Caroline Ritchie and Dewi Jaimangal-Jones (2015) (WCTR, Cardiff Metropolitan University), Journal of Policy Research in Tourism, Leisure and Events. Volume 7, Issue 2, 150-172

Psychological contract and the hotel franchising relationship by Khaled El-sayed, Claire Haven-Tang and Eleri Jones (2015) (WCTR, Cardiff Metropolitan University), Journal of Tourism & Hospitality, 4 (2) doi:10.4172/2167-0269.1000147

Social tourism and well-being in later life by Nigel Morgan, Annette Pritchard (WCTR, Cardiff Metropolitan University) and Diane Sedgley (WCTR, Cardiff Metropolitan University), Annals of Tourism Research, Volume 52, May 2015, pp. 1-15. doi: 10.1016/j.annals.2015.02.015

Tourism and Gender Research: A Critical Accounting, Cristina Figueroa Domecq, Annette Pritchard (WCTR, Cardiff Metropolitan University), Teresa Villace, Nigel Morgan and Monica Segovia, Annals of Tourism Research, Volume 52, May 2015, pp 87-103.

Exploring Dress, Identity and Performance in Contemporary Dance Music Culture by Dewi Jaimangal-Jones (WCTR, Cardiff Metropolitan University), Nigel Morgan and Annette Pritchard (WCTR, Cardiff Metropolitan University) (2015). Leisure Studies, Volume 34, Issue 5, pages 603-620.

Journal Papers and Book Outputs 2014

Utilising ethnography and participant observation in festival and event research by Dewi Jaimangal-Jones (WCTR, Cardiff Metropolitan University) (2014). International Journal of Festival and Event Management, Volume 5, Issue 1, 39-55.

Partnership Working in Enhancing the Destination Brand of Rural Areas: A Case Study of Made in Monmouthshire, Wales, UK by Claire Haven-Tang and Diane Sedgley (WCTR, Cardiff Metropolitan University), Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, Volume 3, Issue 1 March 2014, pages 59-67.

Journal Papers and Book Outputs 2013

Local Leadership For Rural Tourism Development: A Case Study of Adventa, Monmouthshire, UK Claire Haven-Tang and Eleri Jones (WCTR, Cardiff Metropolitan University) Tourism Management Perspectives, Volume 4, October 2012, pages 28-35.

Supporting innovation for tourism development through multi-stakeholder approaches: Experiences from Africa​ by Sheena Carlisle (WCTR, Cardiff Metropolitan University), Martin Kunc, Eleri Jones and Scott Tiffin, Tourism Management, Volume 35, March 2013, pages 59-69.​

The beach enclave:​A landscape of power by Sheena Carlisle and Eleri Jones (WCTR, Cardiff Metropolitan University), Tourism Management Perspectives, Volume 1, January 2012, pages 9-16 ​

Journal Articles:

Constructing Tourism Research: A Critical Inquiry by Carina Ren (University of Southern Denmark, Denmark) and Annette Pritchard and Nigel Morgan (WCTR, University of Wales Institute,
Cardiff, UK), Annals of Tourism Research, forthcoming,  doi:10.1016/j.annals.2009.11.006
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Hopeful Tourism: A New Transformation Perspective by Annette Pritchard and Nigel Morgan (WCTR, University of Wales Institute, Cardiff) and Irena Ateljevic (University of Wageningen, the Netherlands), Annals of Tourism Research, forthcoming, doi:10.1016/j.annals.2011.01.004
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Tourism and Ageing: A transformative research agenda by Diane Sedgley, Annette Pritchard and Nigel Morgan (WCTR, University of Wales Institute, Cardiff), Annals of Tourism Research, doi:10.1016/j.annals.2010.09.002
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(Re)Envisioning Tourism and Visual Impairment by Victoria Richards, Annette Pritchard and Nigel Morgan, (WCTR, University of Wales Institute, Cardiff, UK), Annals of Tourism Research 37 (4), forthcoming,
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Going the distance: Exploring concepts of journey, liminality and rites of passage in dance music experiences by Dewi Jaimangel-Jones, Annette Pritchard and Nigel Morgan (WCTR, University of Wales Institute, Cardiff, UK), Leisure Studies Volume 29, Issue 3 July 2010 , pages 253 - 268.
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Sharks, Wildlife Tourism, and State Regulation by John Dobson (WCTR, University of Wales Institute, Cardiff, UK), Tourism in Marine Environments, Volume 3, Number 1, 2006, pp. 15-23(9) 
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