Cardiff School of Education & Social Policy>Research>The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Education Research Group

The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Education Research Group

Organiser and convenor: Dr Sue Davis (

Affiliated Research Lead: Dr Sue Davis

Group membership (indicative) includes:

  • Dr Susan Davis
  • Chantelle Houghton
  • Alysean Banks
  • Mark Pryce Williams
  • Jo Farag
  • Dr Gabriel Roberts
  • Dr Kristina Kelly
  • Dr John Fernandes
  • Dr Aylwin Yafele
  • Kumbirai Mabwe
  • Sharne Watkins
  • Eve Oliver
  • Ameira Bahadur-Kutkut
  • Anna Stembridge
  • Dr Alun Hardman
  • Dr Rom Okeke
  • Postgraduate Research Students

This research group aims to: focus upon researching into all forms of inequality and how we understand and build a culture of understanding; and one where inclusiveness is seen as the norm. Our principles would include understanding and reverting away from unconscious bias and using thoughtful approaches that develop a culture that honours the principles of diversity equity and inclusion. The group is interested in all phases of education and lifelong learning, and the interaction between education and society more generally. Its focus is on close to practice research that has the potential to impact upon policy and practice, whilst the immediate context for the groups work is the Welsh education system, it has an interest in wider UK and international contexts and seeks to influence knowledge and practice in those domains.

The group will adopt an inter-disciplinary approach with group members drawn from a range of academic disciplines, specialist areas and backgrounds. External partnerships have been formed with leading academic organisations and organisations.

The group will adopt a mixed methods approach to research, using a range of quantitative and qualitative approaches in undertaking close to practice studies. The group has expertise in a range of specialist areas including – diversity and equity, anti-racist practice and thinking, LGBTQ+ studies, gender studies and inclusion which incorporates a range of areas such as additional learning needs and autism studies.