Cardiff School of Education & Social Policy>Research>The English Literature and the Global Research Group

The English Literature and the Global Research Group


Organiser and convenor: Dr Nick Taylor-Collins (

Affiliated Research Lead: Dr Carmen Casaliggi (

Group membership (indicative) includes:

  • Dr Carmen Casaliggi (Reader in English Literature, CSESP)
  • Dr Elizabeth English (Senior Lecturer in English Literature, CSESP)
  • Dr Ben Fergusson (Senior Lecturer in Creative Writing, CSESP)
  • Dr Sabrin Hasbun (Lecturer in Creative Writing, CSESP)
  • Dr Jan Huyton (Senior Lecturer in Education, CSESP)
  • Dr Nina Jones (Senior Lecturer in Media, CSESP)
  • Dr Nik Konstantakis (Senior Lecturer in Education, CSESP)
  • Dr Nick Taylor-Collins (Senior Lecturer in English Literature, CSESP)
  • Professor Jeff Wallace (Emeritus Professor of English Literature, CSESP)
  • Postgraduate Research Students

This research group aims to: focus its research as being both original in its scope, and global in its wider contexts. We already work with colleagues across Europe and in South America, and our research students include those jointly supervised with colleagues in Saudi Arabia, and our Welsh-based students include those examining writing from Japan. These approaches and focuses on the global – nested throughout the CSESP English Literature research community – feed in especially to the University’s Research Strategy as manifested in Cardiff Met’s Global Academies. We intend to expand the Global Academies through our research, and to demonstrate the significance of reading literature in English to help explore the global community.